This year's general assembly took place at the Belgrade Art Hotel. We had 34 members in attendance and 12 people sent their proxy votes. This meant we had a quorum for voting.
Items voted on and passed included the Financial Report, the Charity Report and the Board Reports. We are also happy to say the board that has been serving for the past year was elected for a second term, with the exception of Treasurer. Former Treasurer Hanne Carlsson is moving back to Sweden, so Zalina Stauch was voted in as the new Treasurer. So in addition to Treasurer, the board members include Milica Lundin - President, Christina Czettl - Vice President, April Scott - Secretary, and Lea Kummer-Vasiljević - Representative.
We also had a demonstration of the new IWC Website, which is now live at
The meeting was followed by a delicious lunch buffet, which most of the members stayed for. All in all, it was a very productive, informative, and enjoyable event. Watch for an email to come soon from IWC. We'll be sending the GA materials to you -- the minutes, the presentation, and the list of charity projects supported for the 2018-2019 period.