The International Women's Club of Belgrade Serbia | IWC

2023/24 Main Fundraising Event

Annual IWC Charity Bazaar

Since the official registration in 2011, the IWC has collected approximately 650,000 Euros thanks to generous donors, and all funds have been allocated to support the projects selected by the IWC Charity Committee through an application process.

The IWC held its 20th annual Charity Bazaar this year on Sunday December 3rd at Hotel Hyatt Regency.

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Bridges Magazine

Bridges Magazine

We are pleased to announce that the second issue of the IWC Bridges magazine is now available for download.In this issue, you'll find inspiring stories from our community, informative articles about our host country, and much more. We hope you'll find this issue as enjoyable and informative as the first.The Bridges editorial team thanks all contributors for making this issue possible and looks forward to more great submissions in the future.

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Club Activites

Club Activites

Learn more about club activities for members.

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Discover Belgrade

Discover Belgrade

Learn more about all Belgrade has to offer!

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Monthly Coffee Mornings

Monthly Coffee Mornings

IWC Belgrade holds monthly Coffee Mornings where we spend time getting to know each other better. 

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Come join us and benefit from the support and friendship we have to offer.

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- Barbora Kuchtova -
Message from IWC president

A message from IWC Bealgrade's President Barbora Kuchtova to IWC members:

"... No change in IWC presidency should be major. We are going in the same direction together, and I hope that this direction is the right one. Feel free to contact me with your suggestions and ideas. I'm looking forward to working with each of our IWC members and friends, and enjoy a fun but meaningful 2023-2024 year."

you can read the complete message by clicking below:

Message from IWC president
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... Latest Video from IWC Belgrade Bazar 2018 ...

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IWC Partners and Friends